I let that sink in, getting ready for the kill. “Of course, we could just take care of that Domination punishment here and now, and leave the courts and your Dad out of it. No points on your license.” She looked at me, surprised. “Umm… what would I have to do?” “Bend over my knee and get spanked,” I said, very matter-of-factly. She was about to object when I threw in, “OR we could just go with the ticket and you can explain to your Dad and pay the extra on insurance…”
She clammed her mouth shut at that. Didn’t take her long to decide. “Umm … ok. But … right here?” I pulled open her back door and got inside. “Come in from the other side,” I told her, “And crawl over my lap.” Of course as she did this it left her front half hanging out the car door facing traffic. Her submissive humiliation factor was going to be very high. As she climbed over my lap I felt myself get hard and wondered if she could feel it as well. Very quickly she was in position, and I, very happy she was wearing a skirt, tugged it up to reveal her nylon panties. The obligatory warm-up was next. No words needed as I set to work, slapping one side, then the other, but never establishing a rhythm to it. I didn’t want her to know when the next spank would strike or where. I simply peppered her whole bottom. Then whipped down her panties as well. By now she was giving little gasps and staring in horror as traffic went by. Most of them had no idea what was going on here, but a few did catch on as they saw her. One honked his horn appreciatively. Now she was making some noise. “Oh! Oh! OH!!” I could hear the tremble and new she was on the verge of crying, so I cut loose with a particular hard and fast volley, taking her right over the edge and making her sound like an 8 year old. She was sobbing and wriggling (making it very hard to stay controlled myself) and her bottom was bright red. When I quit spanking fetish and let her up, she rubbed her bottom quickly, trying to take away the sting. I think had we been somewhere more private she would have been doing a very entertaining dance from one foot to the other. I left her to fix her hair and makeup, by now other drivers were wondering what was happening over here and I needed to get going before some real police showed up. “You can go now,” I told her, “But Miss Janey, don’t let me catch you breaking any more laws.” She looked at me. “I DO carry a paddle and a cane in my car,” I warned, as her eyes got three times their normal size. I then drove away, thinking to myself … the life of a vigilante fake cop is never dull!!
#spankingfetish #dominationsextalk #publicspanking
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